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MotorMusic Jazz Sessions: Sluijs & Vermeulen

MotorMusic Jazz Sessions: Sluijs & Vermeulen

57 minkoncert2015
Stingray DJAZZ HD poniedziałek, 20 maja 03:04
MotorMusic, Mechelen, Belgium. The MotorMusic Studios in Mechelen, Belgium, attract many great musicians to the city. A wide variety of visiting international jazz musicians share their art of making jazz music with us in the DJAZZ series âBelgium Sessionsâ. In these sessions, some of Europeâs finest musicians perform their own, original music. Saxophonist Ben Sluijs and pianist Erik Vermeulen both had a classical training. Both musicians have a strong melodic and harmonic approach. Their music offers no room for showing off: itâs all about the music itself. Sluijsâs fascination for jazz grew after he graduated cum laude. This led to him taking lessons with David Liebman in the US. His colleague, Erik Vermeulen, entered the Belgian jazz scene at age 22, playing with his trio. He performed with international stars such as Clark Terry, Joe Lovano, Steve Grossman, Art Farmer, Bob Mover, Toots Thielemans, and Michael Moore. This MotorMusic episode shows the fruits of this inspiring collaboration between these two classically-trained jazz musicians.
  • Ben Sluijs
  • koncert
Rok produkcji
  • 2015
Czas trwania
  • 57 min