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MotorMusic Jazz Sessions: Linus

MotorMusic Jazz Sessions: Linus

66 minkoncert2015
Stingray DJAZZ wtorek, 21 maja 17:13
MotorMusic, Mechelen, Belgium. The MotorMusic Studios in Mechelen, Belgium, attract many great musicians to the city. A wide variety of visiting international jazz musicians share their art of making jazz music with the DJAZZ series âBelgium Sessionsâ. In these sessions, some of Europeâs finest musicians perform their own, original music. This episode presents âLinusâ, a duo of two composers and improvisers: baritone guitar player Ruben Machtelinckx and tenor saxophonist Thomas Jillings. The intense sound produced by the tenor saxophone and the acoustic baritone guitar yields melodies that take you on a journey through a world of simplicity, purity, and longing.
  • Ruben Machtelinchx
  • koncert
Rok produkcji
  • 2015
Czas trwania
  • 66 min