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MizikopĂŠyi Big Band Live Ă L'Atrium

MizikopĂŠyi Big Band Live Ă L'Atrium

81 minkoncert2014
Stingray DJAZZ środa, 22 maja 00:46
Tropiques-Atrium Martinique, Fort de France, Martinique. MizikopĂŠyi is the first West Indian and Caribbean group to perform contemporary music from Martinique and Guadeloupe - zouk, beguine, mazurka and kompa - with big band arrangements. Together with Martinique artist Tony Chasseur, the big band offers a musical journey through a rich cultural heritage, mixing traditional and popular Antilles and Afro-Caribbean melodies with the harmonies of brass instruments as seen in the great tradition of New Orleans. The talented musicians who form MizikOpĂŠyi focus on the quality of the musical creation and emotion from Martinique, from yesterday to today, in this particular exercise of the big band arrangement.
  • Tony Chasseur
  • Thierry Vaton
  • Rody CĂŠrĂŠyon & Jean-Philippe Fanfant
  • koncert
Rok produkcji
  • 2014
Czas trwania
  • 81 min