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Belgium Sessions: Trio Florizoone - Massot

Belgium Sessions: Trio Florizoone - Massot

41 minkoncert2006
Stingray DJAZZ poniedziałek, 20 maja 08:58
Eurocam Media Center, Lint, Belgium. In this DJAZZ Belgium Sessions performance, which was recorded at AED Studios in Lint, Belgium, we witness Europeâs finest jazz musicians at work. A wide variety of international jazz musicians give a creative, up-close and inside insight into their art of playing jazz music. Young talent and established jazz musicians play to their heartâs content: take for instance this unusual performance by the trio Massot/Florizoone/Horbaczewski. This adventurous threesome pushes the boundaries of jazz, folk and classical music. There is a certain commonality between the instruments they play: accordion, tuba and cello share a richness of sound, as well as a broad register and a photogenic appearance. When improvising, the trio produces the weirdest and wackiest, but also most moving sounds.
  • Michel Massot
  • koncert
Rok produkcji
  • 2006
Czas trwania
  • 41 min