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Axel Krygier - Les Escales

Axel Krygier - Les Escales

45 minkoncert2011
Stingray DJAZZ środa, 22 maja 12:27
Les Escales, Saint-Nazaire, France. Although Axel Krygier is strongly associated with Argentinian rock from the second half of the '80s, he is one of the most unique and exceptional musicians of his country. He was even praised for his singularity by the leader of Sumo, a great icon of local underground, a compliment which became a stigma. Together with Mathieu Warsky (bass, keys), Jean Thevenin (drums, sampler), and Juan Ravioli (guitar, bass, backing vocals), Axel Krygier (piano, voice) brings the best of his musical influences.
  • Axel Krygier
  • Mathieu Warsky
  • Jean Thevenin & Juan Ravioli
  • koncert
Rok produkcji
  • 2011
Czas trwania
  • 45 min